Spending several months on the road in America is an incredible experience. There are countless outdoor adventure activities to pursue, incredible wildlife, and the scenery is some of the best in the world. If long-term travel is on your bucket list during your Year Off, I cannot recommend an Epic Great American Road Trip more….
Author: nick@ypyearoff.com
The Epic Great American Adventure Road Trip
Mountains, valleys, canyons, rivers, oceans, rain forests, deserts, grasslands, caves. There is no country in the world that compares to the United States of America in diverse, scenic, natural beauty. From the coast of Maine to the deserts of Southern California, from the swamps of southern Florida to the rain forests and glaciers of Washington…
Living a life true to yourself, not a life of fear.
Fear is everywhere in our society. Fear of terrorism, health problems, and injury or illness. We’re afraid of losing our jobs and going broke and ending up homeless. We’re afraid of climate change and immigrants and “outsiders”, and we’re afraid of commitment and rejection, which causes us to close ourselves off from the outside world….
How to Get A Leave of Absence from Work
I’ll never forget the day I got notification that my leave of absence was approved. I received the letter in the mail, opened it, and quickly read the following sentence: “Your leave of absence has been APPROVED starting April 1st, 2016 until March 31st, 2017.” I had a whole year to do whatever I wanted….
Looking for Way of Life . . . . . The Amateur Traveler
‘I appreciate everyone’s circumstances are different, but my point is, if you want something to happen, you need to make it a reality. Happiness is not something that can be pursued, it must ensue.’ This amazing guest post is written by Diane Nicholson from The Lake District in the North West of England. I met…