My main Year Off theme was outdoor adventures. I wanted to gain as much experience as possible in the great wilderness areas of the world. So I got outside and got out of my comfort zone as much as I could during my Year Off.
My Flight to Africa
I knew nothing about Uganda when I booked a flight to Africa during my Year Off. Volunteer work was high on my list of things to do, so I was looking for a good place for that. I did some research online and found an organization that coordinates volunteer trips all around the world, International…
5 Ways to Cut Spending on Your Weekly and Daily Expenses
Weekly and daily expenses can oftentimes go unseen. A dollar here and a couple of dollars there doesn’t seem like much when you spend it, but when you add it up over the course of a year, it’s a large sum. Why not save this money instead for your Year Off? Weekly and daily expenses…
5 Ways to Cut Spending on Your Monthly Expenses
Making the cuts to your monthly expenses are some of the most difficult decisions you will make on your journey to your Year Off. Your life might change drastically, but remember, it is temporary. Remember delayed gratification. You can have that nice apartment downtown after your Year Off. Your main goal now is paying off…
10 Ways to Cut Spending on Your Yearly Expenses
The money you spend on a yearly basis is a big area to look at for saving money to pay off your debt, fund your retirement savings, and save for your Year Off. These expenses are things you pay for once or twice a year or things that pop up randomly throughout the year. Many…