Making the cuts to your monthly expenses are some of the most difficult decisions you will make on your journey to your Year Off. Your life might change drastically, but remember, it is temporary. Remember delayed gratification. You can have that nice apartment downtown after your Year Off. Your main goal now is paying off…
Category: Plan Your Year Off
10 Ways to Cut Spending on Your Yearly Expenses
The money you spend on a yearly basis is a big area to look at for saving money to pay off your debt, fund your retirement savings, and save for your Year Off. These expenses are things you pay for once or twice a year or things that pop up randomly throughout the year. Many…
The Simple Formula that Equals a Year Off
A Year Off might seem like an impossible thing to pull off. You might think you’re too far in debt or don’t make enough money. Maybe you’re in a relationship that you don’t think you can get out of. Or perhaps you’re worried about the effects on your career. But I think a Year Off…
How to Cut Spending
One of the most important steps towards reaching your goal Year Off Age is to cut spending. You need to live frugally to save the amount of money needed for a Year Off. And you need to do this for an extended period, often years.
How to Create a Budget for Life Before Your Year Off
Budgeting…..ugh. Not a lot of fun but a necessary evil if you want to take a Year Off work to travel or pursue whatever dreams you want to pursue. Taking the time now to write out a budget will keep you on track for a Year Off. Implementing and adhering to the budget, as well…