Let’s be honest, a Year Off is not an easy thing to accomplish, and for many people, it’s not possible. But I believe there are many people who might think it’s impossible but it’s well within their realm of possibility. For those who think it’s impossible, start improving in the following areas of your life…
Health Insurance During a Career Break: Keep It or Ditch It?
The risk of financial uncertainty due to a serious illness or injury is something that all career breakers need to consider. While I don’t think it’s likely to happen, I think it’s possible to go bankrupt during a career break due to the inability to pay high medical bills. So it’s very important to consider…
Why Is Travel Insurance Necessary?
In this post, I describe why I think it’s important to purchase travel insurance for your extended career break if you plan on traveling domestically or abroad. First, I’ll cover the basics of travel insurance, what’s covered and what’s not covered. Then, I’ll get into a discussion about the odds of actually needing to use…
The Top 10 National Parks to Visit During An American Adventure Road Trip
America’s National Parks are treasures that are preserved for the benefit and enjoyment of the people. The natural splendor that these parks protect is amazing to experience. And there’s no better time to visit them than during a Great American Adventure Road Trip. Here’s my list of the top 10 National Parks to visit during…
The Top 7 States to Visit During an Epic Great American Adventure Road Trip
I traveled through 15 states in the U.S.A. during my Year Off and had an amazing time in every one. But some states just stand out above the rest. Here’s my list of the top 7 states to visit and experience during an American road trip.