In a previous post, I challenged some of the common assumptions that are made regarding a Year Off. One of those assumptions is that you have to be young when you take your Year Off. In that post, I argued that an extended career break is for anybody of any age. That whether you’re 30…
How to stay focused on your Year Off when life gets crazy.
Craziness in life is inevitable. Situations change. Things go wrong. Your luck turns. And you have a lot of adult responsibilities to catch up on. How do you stay focused on your major life goals when those crazy times eventually occur?
It’s time to dispel some of the common Year Off assumptions.
I’ve been asked several questions that have challenged my beliefs about what a Year Off actually is. In this blog post, I want to dispel some of the common assumptions that many people have about a Year Off. What are the main assumptions I’m trying to dispel? That it’s only for young single people with…
How did my life benefit from my Year Off?
I believe that extended time away from work and the craziness of day-to-day life would benefit a lot of people. It most certainly was a benefit for me. In this post, I outline what I believe are the main areas of my life that changed for the better as a direct result of my Year…
The Story of How I Fell in Love During My Year Off
In August of 2016, my girlfriend, Alanna, and I were backpacking the Teton Crest Trail in Grand Teton National Park. We had been dating for 7 months by then, and she had flown out to meet me and spend two weeks with me exploring the state of Wyoming. I was five months into my year-long…